About an hour or so into the puzzle, it was bedtime for the little girlies. Fiona came into the room and the little girls got into bed and I read a few chapters from the Little House on the Prairie series (we are currently reading book #4, On The Banks Of Plum Creek). After reading, Scarlett and Haven were mostly and almost asleep. HA! Fiona came out of the room with me and we went back to the puzzle. Elijah realized that Scarlett was not asleep. Of his own accord, he went in to read Scarlett a book, to help her go back to sleep. What a great big brother! So he took care of her awhile (see below picture...I am still working on uploading pictures in their proper order!) and read her a few books. Then Fiona decided to spell him and read a few books herself so that Elijah could come out to the puzzle for a little while...again, all of her own accord! What a sweet sister! When Scarlett did not fall asleep after she was read to, Elijah went back in and they decided to turn on the music for her. The music came on, Fiona and Elijah started dancing around the freshly cleaned room (a freshly cleaned room is apparently, as history has proved time and again, WAY too appealing and irresistible and dancing MUST take place....) so, of course, Scarlett and the freshly awakened Haven needed to join in the fun. They danced around together giggling, the four of them. Several games of "duck, duck, goose" (played like "toilet, toilet...flush!" and some other Star Wars variations that have escaped me...) were played happily and cheerily. Are my children the only ones that get along exceptionally well after bedtime? It's like some magic love is in the air and everyone just plays so nicely! Not that they don't during the day...but it seems eerily consistent after bedtime. So, as you may have noticed, the parental units did nothing to prevent or stop this massive sibling funnness. With Monday being a holiday, I did not mind this late night bonding and glee. :) And yes, Haven and Scarlett both came out to join us again at the table. :) It was a very fun night. The only way it could've been improved was if we had actually finished the puzzle...
I am good enough!
Sometimes I have to pinch myself...every time I start thinking to myself
"Heidi, you're getting fat" or "Heidi, you aren't strong enough" or
whatever negat...
13 years ago
huh, i thought i posted something on this. i sure like all that this means. like your kids show patience and love to each other, the little girls trust their siblings, they all have a lot of fun together, the older kids like being with and reading to the little girls, a clean room means "yea, there's room so we can play!" and all that kind of stuff. i really like that top photo of you with the "am i really doing this" look. thanks for sharing...