We found a really great Old Town tandem kayak on Craigslist shortly after we bought the first kayak. We drove up to Indianapolis to pick it up. We fell instantly in love!! The first chance we got, we (meaning Dave, mostly) loaded the kayaks on top of the van and headed out to Lake Monroe.

About 15 minutes into our new family adventure, there needed to be a potty break...already! We pulled up to shore and Haven and I traipsed through some underbrush to find her a "potty". The other kids took advantage of the time to explore...and, of course, ended up getting a tad bit muddy!

Here is Scarlett "helping" to paddle. In the new sit in tandem, I had Elijah in the seat in front of me with Haven sitting on a little stool in front of him and Scarlett sitting on a little stool in front of me. We all fit perfectly!

Does it get much cuter than a little sweety pie with a top knot in a life vest????!!!??

The kids all had a lot of fun, for the most part. Scarlett "needed" a few dum dum pops to keep her still and "safe". But other than that, (oh, and people fighting over the paddles...) it was a lot of fun! The first time all 7 of us were able to be out on the water together!!

This was the arrangement for the sit on top kayak...Sebastian is just hanging out on the bow. He and Fiona took turns there. I wish I could remember what he was talking about and what's with all the pointing...

Here they are, riding off into the sunset! :)
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