The kids have been attending a WONDERFUL part-time school program at a local charter school (
TCA). The Cottage School Program has been a huge blessing for our family and our homeschooling. The kids attend classes two half-days a week and study grammar, P.E., music, art, Latin, and Spanish. It has meant a lot of driving for me since Elijah and Fiona attend in the mornings and Sebastian attends in the afternoon, but it has been very worth it!
Today was their Field Day!!! The Cottage School kids got to join the regular elementary kids in a day filled with fun games and activities like a water balloon toss, face painting, relay races, three-legged race, crab walk race and tug of war. When I was in elementary school, Field Day was always one of my favorite days of the year! I loved the change from the regular school day and playing fun games all day with my friends. I was very excited for Sebastian, Elijah and Fiona to not miss out on this fun elementary school experience! The picture above is the three kids all greased up with sunscreen and ready for the day!

The three youngest kids and I arrived to pick the kids up about an hour early so that we could watch some of the fun activities.

It was hard to spot the kids from the bleachers, but luckily their shirts were color-coded and we could scan the field for pockets of the correct color of shirts. Above is Elijah walking back with his class and below is Sebastian, about to catch a water

Below is Sebastian catching a water balloon.

Below is Fiona (with the red
bandanna and braids) running a lap with her class.

It was a fun day! The kids got lots of great exercise and had the experience of their first field day! Sadly, we will not be returning to
TCA and The Cottage School Program next year. It is just too much driving. However, we are so blessed to live in an area with so many
homeschoolers; our school district has yet another homeschooling class option! Next year, Sebastian (who will be a 5
th grader,) Elijah (who will be a 4
th grader,) Fiona (who will be a 2
nd grader) and Haven (who is more than thrilled to be a kindergartner) will be attending The
Homeschool Academy at a local elementary school. It is one full day a week and they will all be attending on the same day!
YAY! We are super excited and, although the kids will miss the friends they've made at
TCA, they are looking forward to making new friends! And I am very much looking forward to only driving them to school one day a week!
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