This is Brighton eating some oatmeal. :) This is not his "official" first time eating solid food, though. I gave him some of the bread I made the other day. But that was just a few little pieces. Later that day for dinner, we had oatmeal and eggs. I shared bites of my oatmeal with him. LOVE the cute "what the heck did you put in my mouth!" look! :) Last night I gave him some mushed up rice and he pulled the same look with every bite, though he begged for more and laughed and giggled at how fun it all was. :)

We had some really warm weather (mid 80's!) and Brighton wore his first summer outfit! :) We got to see his cute, chubby
leggies and armies all day! :) His eczema flared on his knees and arms, though, from rubbing on the carpet. But he was so cute! :) The above picture is of him thinking "Mom, enough pictures already...pick me up!" Elijah was holding him for me. Elijah is wearing a towel because he and Fiona, Haven and Scarlett had sprayed themselves with the hose to cool off. Of course, as soon as they did, the clouds and a cool wind came and then they were all cold. But at least they weren't hot anymore! :)
Hey Heidi, we went to Pike's Place and there was a vendor there selling this all natural organic salve for exzema. I went ahead and bought the sample size to try it out on Lucas. The creator mixed it up for her daughter and is now making money on it. It has Hemp, olive, jojoba, avocado oils, beeswax, a proprietary selection of herbs and essential oils. I will let you know if we see any improvement on this end.