There are so many awesome parks in Colorado Springs! And so many hidden gems amongst seemingly innocent, normal looking neighborhoods! Old Farm Park is one of those hidden gems. There is your normal play ground, then follow the trail around a bend and BAM: there is a cool jumble of rocks to climb and explore surrounded by wild grasses and flowers and native plants and animals!

The prickly pear cactus were in bloom and oh so gorgeous! They were EVERYWHERE! I was so tempted to pick some and bring it home to our tortoise, Eon. Prickly pear cactus (once you burn off the prickilies) is a perfect tortoise food. I wasn't sure if it was okay to pick, and plan on calling the extension office to see if it is allowed before going back to bring some home!

The Yucca were also in full bloom. I don't know that I have ever seen prettier Yucca flowers! We were blessed with a cool, wet spring that nurtured a lot of wild flowers and plants! It was just gorgeous!

Sebastian, Elijah, Fiona and some of their friends took a less used path to the rocks. Our friends' older kids took Haven and Scarlett up to the top of the rock, while Brighton and I followed on at a slower pace. The sky was just gorgeous that day! It finally started sprinkling after a few hours, but before that it was just gorgeously dark and we frequently heard rumbles of distant thunder. On their way back down, the boys found a lizard that they tried to catch, but he got away. We all had such a great time!

Once it started sprinkling, and Scarlett needed to find a restroom (which the park did not have), we reluctantly left. We will definitely return and explore the trails even more!
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