Friday, May 7, 2010

Fiona's baptism

Fiona recently turned eight!! In our church, we don't believe in infant baptism. We believe, through modern-day revelation, that we are not born in sin. We believe children reach the age of accountability (and thus become responsible for their mistakes/wrong-doings and are old enough to choose for themselves) at eight years old. Before a child is baptised, they have an interview with the bishop of our congregation just like any convert of any age would. The bishop asks them, essentially, if they have a testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and if they have a desire to be baptised in his name.
Here is the family before the service...our first family picture since little Duncan was born! He was 9 days old in this picture. :)
I am so happy for Fiona that she chose to become a disciple and follower of Christ by being baptised! I am very proud of the choices she makes. She has a great desire to choose the right. I am thankful her older brothers have chosen to be such great examples to her and the other kids. I am very thankful for a husband who chooses to be a worthy priesthood holder and can use that priesthood (which is the proper authority to act in God's name through ordinances and blessings) to baptise and bless our children. Duncan was blessed in church the day after Fiona's baptism. :)
After her baptism, Fiona went for a daddy-daughter date with Dave. They went to the church book store so Fiona could choose her very own set of scriptures and get her name embossed on them. Then they got some ice cream. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hunt and peck....

Three weeks ago today, the above sweet little baby, Duncan, was born! And ever since then, my arms have constantly been holding him.
I LOVE holding and snuggling my babies! But it does call for one-handed typing which is slow and frustrating....thus I have hardly e-mailed, facebooked....or blogged! Some day my arms will be all too empty of babies...I'll blog a lot then! :)